Weiss manufactures many kinds of
Ion-selective electrodes such as solid state and gas
sensors, but it also carries other type of ISEs mainly
PVC membrane electrodes from other respectable companies
for the convenience of customers.
Really-Flow™ Solid-State combination Ion-selective
Really-Flow™ combination Ion-selective
electrodes have a free flowing junction and provide
optimal flow rate, resulting in more
accuracy and repeatability. The junction design permits
easy cleaning, which improves performance and extends
the electrode’s life. These long-lasting electrodes have
no ceramic or fiber junction to clog. Viscous,
and dirty
(e.g. slurry)
samples are no problems for these electrodes. Just press
down on the cap to open the sleeve and flush, renew the
junction; release the cap and you are ready to take more
measurements. The Really-Flow™ ISEs also have a small
volume measurement feature.
Half-cell, solid-State Ion-Selective Electrodes

Half-cell, solid-state ion-selective electrodes are
constructed by a highly chemical resistant epoxy body
and specially formulated sensor material for lasting and
accurate performance. The half-cell electrode's features
are easy-to-use and require low maintenance. These
solid half-cell ion-selective electrodes must be used
with a reference electrode. The ideal reference
electrodes are Weiss Carry-over Contamination Free,
Sleeve-type, double-junction glass body reference
electrodes. Please check the
reference electrode section.
Glass body Double Junction
Ion-Selective Electrodes
offers two type of double junction glass body
Ion-selective electrodes,
refillable and
gel sealed, both are designed for routine laboratory and
field use. Glass body ion-selective electrodes are most
suitable for applications where
epoxy body
electrodes can not be used due to the sample solution
containing organic solvents or corrosive chemicals which
can damage epoxy body electrodes.
Gel or
ElectroJelly™ sealed
glass body Ion selective electrodes can be easily
adopted to industrial processing use. For details,
please check Industrial processing
Ion-selective electrodes page.