Selected reading papers:
"Explanation of Misleading Nernst Slope by Boltzmann
"Counterion Triple Layer for Explaining Stirring and
Temperature Effects on pH Measurements"
Dr. K. L.
Cheng is Professor of Chemistry Emeritus, University of
Missouri-Kansas City. He received his
B. S. degree from the Northwestern College, China in
1941, his M. S. in 1949, and his Ph.D. in 1951 from the
University of Illinois. Dr. Cheng has been a
postdoctoral fellow at the University of Illinois and an
instructor at the University of Connecticut, Department
of Chemistry. Dr. Cheng is a member of the American
Chemical Society, Electrochemical Society, American
Microchemical Society, Society for Applied Spectroscopy,
and American Institute of Physics. He is a fellow of the
American Association for Advancement of Science and of
the Royal Society of Chemistry, London. He is also a
member of Sigma Xi, Sigma Pi Sigma, and Phi Lambda
Dr. Cheng received his
RCA Achievement Award in 1963. He was elected titular
member of the Division of Analytical Chemistry,
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
(1969-1979). He received the N. T. Veatch Award for
Distinguished Research and Creative Activity and the
Certificate of Recognition from the U. S. Office of
Naval Research in 1979, and that from the College of
Engineering , Texas A&M University, 1981.
He received the
Benedetti-Pichler Memorial Award for Microchemistry in
1989. He is the co-author of the "Handbook of Organic
Analytical Reagents". He has published chapters in many
books and more than 200 papers. He is one of the
pioneers of EDTA analytical chemistry. EDTA titration
and the use of 1-(2- pyridylazo)- 2-naphthol (PAN) as a
metal indicator and photometric reagent were included in
his 1951 dissertation. In the past decade, he proposed
his double chemical capacitor theory for the ion
selective electrodes. He called attention to the misuse
of the Nernst equation and disproved the ion exchange
reaction between H+ and Na+ in the
pH glass electrode. He challenged many past
misconceptions and emphasized the importance of clear
definition and right assumption.
His areas of research
interest include surface chemistry and techniques,
membrane electrodes, chemical separation, organic
reagents, and aging.
Paper Published by Dr. K. L.
Cheng and His Co-workers Relating to ISE:
Capacitor Concept Period: Studying Potential Origin
- S. Kar Chaudhari and
K. L. Cheng, "Effect of organic solvents and their
dielectric constants on ion- selective electrode
potential" Mikrochim. Acta. II. 411-70 (1979)
- S. Kar Chaudhari and
K. L. Cheng, "Radioactive trace study of adsorption
and exchange reaction of lead sulfide ion-selective
electrode membrane" Mikrochim. Acta, II, 159-70
- K. L. Cheng, "Some
properties of lead ion-selective electrode"
Presented at 180th ACS National Meeting, Las Vegas,
NV, August, 1980
- S. Kar Chaudhari and
K. L. Cheng, "Effect of electrode membrane surface
ratio and thickness on lead electrode potential"
Mikrochim. Acta, I, 185-90 (1981)
- K. L. Cheng and H.
P. Chang, "The deviation potential of pH glass
electrode" Mikrochim. Acta, I, 95-101 (1985)
- K. L. Cheng, "Some
comments on the relationship of pH and potential"
Microchem. J., 33, 132-3 (1986)
- Naila Ashraf and K.
L. Cheng, "Nonlinear response of pH glass electrode"
Presented at the ACS National Meeting, Miami, FL,
September 1989
- Naila Ashraf and K.
L. Cheng, "Nonlinear response of pH glass electrode"
Presented at the ACS Rocky Mountain Regional
Meeting, Denver, CO, 1990
- K. L. Cheng, "Misuse
of the Nernst equation in the nonfaradaic
potentiometry" Presented at the ACS National
Meeting, Atlanta, GA, April 1991
- K. L. Cheng, "The
second Nernstian hiatus" Presented at the Pittsburgh
Conference, March 1992
- K. L. Cheng,
"Misleading ion activity concept in nonfaradaic
potentiometry" presented at the ACS National
Meeting, Anaheim, CA, April 1995.
- Chia-Ming Huang, Y.
C. Jean, K. L. Cheng, and F. C. Chang, "Isotopic
evidence disproving ion exchange reaction between H+
and Na+ in pH glass electrode" J.
Electrochem. Soc., 142, L176 (1995)
- K. L. Cheng, "A
critical review of ion activity and ion activity
coefficient concepts" Presented at the Pittcon,
Atlanta, GA, March 1997
- K. L. Cheng,
"Chemical capacitor theory" Presented at the seminar
in the Emory University, Atlanta, GA, March 13, 1984
- K. L. Cheng, "A
capacitor model for membrane electrodes" In
proceedings, 31st IUPAC Congress, Anal. Chem. Div.,
pp 173-197, 1987. Sofia, Burgaria
- K. L. Cheng,
"Capacitor theory for nonfaradaic potentiometry"
Microchem. J., 42, 5-24 (1990) A Benedetti-Pichler
award address given on September 28, 1989
- K. L. Cheng, "pH
glass electrode and its mechanism" in
Electrochemistry, Past and Present, ACS Symposium
Series No. 390, J. T. Stock and M. V. Orno, Eds.,
pp. 286-302 (1989)
- Kuang L. Cheng, Hung
Z. Song, and Susie X. R. Yang, "Evidence of
adsorption of hydrogen and hydroxide ions by
pH-sensitive glass, and chemical potential
amplification" J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 1333-4
- K. L. Cheng,
"Membrane electrode as a chemical capacitor"
Presented at the 201st ACS National Meeting,
Atlanta, GA April 1991
- Susie X. R. Yang and
K. L. Cheng, "Capacitance of membrane electrodes"
Presented at the ACS National Meeting, Dallas, TX,
- K. L. Cheng,
"Neglect of anions in potentiometry" Presented at
the ACS National Meeting, Chicago, IL, August 1995
- Susie X. Yang, Naila
Ashraf, and K. L. Cheng, "Amplification potential of
glass electrode" Part of the Ph.D. dissertation:
"New development of understanding the mechanism of
pH glass electrode" University of Missouri-Kansas
City, 1991. (To be published)
- Susie X. Yang, and
K. L. Cheng, "Electrode membrane capacitance
measurement" Ph.D. dissertation: "New developments
of nonfaradaic potentiometry" University of
Missouri-Kansas City, 1988. (To be published)
- Susie X. Yang, and
K. L. Cheng, "Electrode thickness effect on
potential" In Yang's Ph.D. dissertation, 1988. (To
be published)
- K. L. Cheng,
"Junction potential" (To be published)
- K. L. Cheng, Letter
to Editor. Electrochemical "Homeopathy", SEAC
Communications. Vol. 12, No. 3, 1996.
- Susie X. Yang, Naila
Ashraf, and K. L. Cheng, "Charging, discharging, and
recharging of electrodes" Parts of Ph.D.
dissertation by Yang and Ashraf, University of
Missouri-Kansas City, 1988 and 1991. (To be
- K. L. Cheng and Eric
E. Chao "An arsenite ion-selective electrode" U.S.
Patent No. 4071427, January 1978
- K. L. Cheng
"Potential measuring method and applications having
signal amplifying multiple membrane electrode" U.S.
Patent No. 4,886,584 , December 1989
State Membrane
- S. Kar Chaudhari and
K. L. Cheng, "Recent study of solid surfaces by
photoelectron spectroscopy" Appl. Spectros. Revs.
16, 187-297 (1980)
- K. L. Cheng and
Naila Ashraf "A simple solid state pH glass
electrode" Talanta, 37, 629 (1990)
- K. Hamdani and K. L.
Cheng, "Modified polymer electrode" Presented at the
201st ACS National Meeting, Atlanta, GA (1991)
- K. Hamdani and K. L.
Cheng, "Adsorption of biochemically significant
phosphates on silica" Colloids and Surfaces, 63,
29-31 (1992)
- Naila Ashraf, K.
Hamdani and K. L. Cheng, "Solid state pH and pNa
glass electrodes" In Advances in the Applications of
Membrane Mimetic Chemistry. T.F. Yen, et al. eds.
Plenum, New York. pp 209-225 (1994)
- K. Hamdani and K. L.
Cheng, "Polyaniline pH electrode"
Microchem. J. 61, (1999) 198
- Y. S. Su and K. L.
Cheng, and Y. C. Jean, "Amplified potentiometric
determination of pK00, pK0, pK1and
pK2 of hydrogen sulfides with Ag2S
ISE" Talanta, 44, 1757 (1997)
- K. L. Cheng, Jui-Chi
Hung, and David H. Prager "Determination of
exchangeable calcium and magnesium in soil by ion
selective electrode method" Microchem. J., 18,
256-61 (1973)
- K. L. Cheng and
Katherin Cheng, "Selective determination of
magensium in water with divalent ion selective
electrode using GDTA as a masking agent" Mikrochim.
Acta, I, 385-90 (1974)
- S. Kar Chaudhari, F.
C. Chang, K. L. Cheng and V. Y. Young,
"Determination of the surface composition of lead
electrode membranes by ESCA" Anal. Chem., 53, 2048
- V. Y. Young, S. Kar
Chaudhari and K. L. Cheng, "ESCA studies of the
effect of bivalent metal ions on lead ion-selective
electrode membrane" Surface Interface Anal., 3, 176
- Susie X. R. Yang, K.
L. Cheng, L. T. Kurtz, and R. H. Peck, "Suspension
effect on potentiometry" Particulate Science and
Technology, 7, 139-52, (1989)
- Ching-I Huang, Hsuan
Jung Huang, and K. L. Cheng "Effect of Stirring on
pH Measurements" In Advances in the Applications of
Membrane Mimetic Chemistry. T.F. Yen, et al. eds.
Plenum, New York. pp 227-240 (1994)
- Y. S. Su and K. L.
Cheng "Interference of pH glass electrode containing
La2O3 or Nd2O3
caused by phosphate and flouride adsorptions" to be
presented at the Eastern Anal. Symposium, Somerset,
NJ, November 1997
- E. Moya and K. L.
Cheng "Triethylenetetraminehexaacetic acid titration
using ion-selective electrodes" Anal. Chem., 42,
1669-72 (1970)
- K. L. Cheng "New
applications of divalent ion electrode" Presented at
the IUPAC International Symposium on
Ion-selective Electrode" Caldiff, U. K. April 11,
- F. C. Chang and K.
L. Cheng "Determination of tri- and tetravalent ions
with a divalent ion-selective electrode" Anal. Chim.
Acta, 76, 177-82 (1975)
- E. E. Chao and K. L.
Cheng "Stepwise titration of some anions and
determination of Ksp of silver
precipitates with silver ion selective electrode"
Anal. Chem., 48, 287 (1976)
- E. E. Chao and K. L.
Cheng "The solubility products of some slightly
soluble lead salts and the potentiometric titration
of molybdate, tungstate, perrhenate and fluoride
with use of a lead ion-selective electrode" Talanta,
24, 247 (1977)
- K. L. Cheng
"Ion-selective electrodes as anion sensors" Proc. of
the 7th Australian Electrochem. Conf., University of
New South Wales, 406-9 (1988)
- Derren Lee and K. L.
Cheng "An anion ion-selective electrode based on a
mixture of insoluble lead salt" Talanta, 37, 901-4
- Derren Lee and K. L.
Cheng "ISE determination of molybdate, tungstate,
perrhenate, fluoride, phosphate, and hydroxide with
mixed lead salts of molybdate, tungstate, perrhenate"
Presented at Pittsburgh Conference, Atlanta, GA,
March 1989.
- K. Hamdani and K. L.
Cheng "Solid state LaPO4 Electrode" in
Ph.D. dissertation, "Metal-based thin film
electrodes" University of Missouri - Kansas City,