Laboratory Electrodes:

Weiss Laboratory type of pH electrodes are designed for
routine and research
uses with different body
materials, shapes (configurations), and lengths to fit
variety applications. The cable length and connectors
also can be custom-made to suit the user's need. These
electrodes provide unparalleled and matchless
performances due to their stability and fast response.
sealed pH electrodes are
even more stable and have a longer life
span. They save time and money
by helping avoid frequent
calibrations and replacements.
Industrial Processing pH
Research processing electrodes are built
with a variety of materials and
with many configurations to fit
different industrial application
requirements. These electrodes,
both pH and ORP (redox), are
always sealed with ElectroJelly™
(unless customers have special
requirements) to extend the
electrode life span and reduce
the calibration frequency. The
electrodes with a solution
grounding are most suitable for
the application which requires
use a long cable and a possible
ground loop interference.